zaterdag 10 april 2010

101 Goals in 1001 Days

Today is Day Zero. Yes, that's day Zero of my 101 goals in 1001 days. I came across Day Zero Project and thought this was a fun way to set myself some goals and keep track of them too! These goals have to be achieved by me by January 6, 2013.

So here´s my list!! By posting this I´ve already finished goal #1. The goals that I have completed will be in red, the ones that are in progress will be blue

Blog / Food

#1 Blog about 101 in 1001

#2 Take part in 5 Foodie Exchanges

#3 Try 10 new recipes (not TWD, Taste & Create or Craving Ellie in My Belly

#4 Have a giveaway on my blog

#5 Make croissants from scratch

#6 Host a tapas party

#7 Go to a foodblogging event

#8 Try 5 new foods and blog about them(0/5)

#9 Leave 101 comments on 101 blogs (TWD-blogs not included!!)

#10 Blog on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for at least three consecutive weeks


Make a birthday cake for someone

#12 Blog about each completed task

#13 Set up my own website

#14 Design my own website lay-out

Body /Mind / Diet

#15 Grow hair past shoulders and don't cut it short for a year

#16 Go to the hairdresser to get my hair highlighted for the summer

#17 Get a manicure/pedicure

#18 Develop a better skin care routine

#19 Put lotion on at least once a week

#20 Plan my check-up appointment at the dentists

#21 Whiten teeth

#22 Workout 2 times a week for a month

#23 Take a Zumba dance/aerobics class

#24 Loose 11 kilos to achieve a weight of 84 kilos

#25 Loose 16 kilos to achieve a weight of 79 kilos

#26 Loose 21 kilos to achieve a weight of 74 kilos

#27 Loose 26 kilos to achieve a weight of 69 kilos

#28 Drink no alcohol for a month

#29 Eat an apple a day

#30 Keep a food journal for 30 days in a row

#31 Buy only what is on my grocery list for one month

#32 Drink nothing but water for a week

#33 Give up all fast food for one month

#34 Eat a vegetarian diet for a month

#35 Remove sugar from my diet for one month

#36 Eat breakfast every day for a month

#37 Eat more fish

#38 Take a multi-vitamin every day for a month

#39 Polish up my Spanish

#40 Read 50 books


#41 Sell my appartment

#42 Buy/rent a new appartment in Arnhem

#43 Move to Arnhem

#44 Make my bed every day for two weeks

#45 Clean out and organize every closet in the house

#46 Do laundry once a week for a month (folded and put away)

#47 Keep every room in the house clean for a week

#48 Go through my closet and get rid (or refashion) my old clothes

Family & Friends

#49 Have Harm & Lotte over for dinner

#50 Get back into contact with Florian

#51 Go to the cinema with Kelly to see 'Eclipse'

#52 Surprise my mom with flowers

#53 Visit both my grandmothers graves and leave some flowers

#54 Cook a meal for friends

#55 Attend a friends wedding

#56 Give 5 'just because' gifts

#57 Make a collage of photos of me and my friends and frame it

#58 Send out Christmas cards

Travel / Fun

#59 Visit Paris (France) and get some macarons at Pierre Herme

#60 (Re)visit the east coast of Canada

#61 Go on holiday with a friend

#62 Go on a vacation with my mom

#63 Go out with the girls and don't go home until the bars close

#64 Have a picnic with friends

#65 Go to a theme park

#66 Watch a 3D movie

#67 Meet an Online Foodblog Friend in real life

#68 Stay in PJ’s and watch movies all day long one day.

#69 Subscribe to a new magazine

#70 Take a cooking class

#71 Paint every nail a different colour and leave them be for a week

#72 Try 5 new restaurants

#73 Spend an afternoon reading at the park

#74 Go barefoot for a day


#75 Buy a new laptop

#76 Make myself a dress for my friends wedding on June 12th

#77 Learn to knit a scarf

#78 Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over

#79 Write my Will

#80 Register as an organ donor

# 81 Write in my diary daily for at least a month

#82 Keep a dream diary

#83 Buy a harddisk to save my pictures on

#84 Stay off the internet for a week (non-professionally, 'cause I need the Internet for work)

#85 Go a week without watching television

#86 Purposely leave my phone at home all day

#87 Go through my phone’s contact list and delete all the people who I no longer talk to

#88 Don't swear for a week

#89 Don't complain about anything for a week

#90 Go to a two-day assertivity training

#91 Do speed dating

#92 Go on a date

#93 Ask someone out on a date

#94 Fall in love

#95 Go to bed before 10 and get 7 hours sleep per night for 2 weeks in a row (never been done!)

#96 Get a henna tattoo

#97 Take one picture every day for a month

#98 Buy a lottery ticket

#99 Put all my loose change into the piggy bank for 3 months

#100 Put away 5 euros for every goal completed

#101 Donate 5 euros to a charity of my choice for each goal that I do not complete

4 opmerkingen:

TeaLady zei

That is quite a list, Marthe. What a great idea. Maybe I will work on one. Many of them would match yours.

Hope all goes well with this.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella zei

Very admirable goals! All the best in achieving them! :D

Evelyne @ CheapEthnicEatz zei

OMG...I was surprised to see your Food no2..5 foodie exchange. I am touched the project is so important lol. Great overall challenge

sarah zei

wow, just writing this list seems ambitious, let alone completing it! very cool.