maandag 29 december 2008

TWD: Tall and Creamy Cheesecake

Yeah, I'm back!!! Been busy baking the last couple of days: some cookies for friends and family and the TWD Tall and Creamy Cheesecake for my family and me to enjoy on Second Christmasday.

The Tall and Creamy Cheesecake was picked by Anne of Anne Strawberry and what a great pick it was! We all loved it!! A whole kilo of creamcheese went into this cheesecake so it was quite heavy, but it still tasted very light!
I used 1 cup cream and 1/3 cup sour cream. When the cake was ready to go into the oven I found out that my springform wouldn't fit into the other pan, so I had to bake the cheesecake without a waterbath. I still baked it for 1 1/2 hours and it looked great!!
Since I had half a cake leftover I took it to work yesterday, my coworkers also enjoyed it!
I must say this was the best cheesecake I ever ate!! Yum!!!
Dad's verdict: 8,5 out of 10

Next to come are:
  • Triple Chocolate Cookies for CEiMB (28/12), hosted by The Feast Within
  • Lemon Ricotta Cookies with Lemon Glaze
  • Cinnamon Bun Cookies with Cinnamon Glaze
  • Chocolate Cherry-Almond Biscotti for CEiMB (1/1), hosted by Enjoying My Favorite
  • French Pear Tart for TWD (6/1), hosted by Dorie Greenspan
  • Fried Rice with Scallions, Edamame, and Tofu for CEiMB (8/1) hosted by Running with Food
  • Savory Corn and Pepper Muffins for TWD (13/1), hosted by Rebecca of Ezra Pound Cake
  • Beef Tenderloin with Rosemary and Chocolate for CEiMB (15/1) hosted by Beckett Bakes It
  • Berry Surprise Cake for TWD (20/1) hosted by Mary Ann of Meet Me in the Kitchen

P.S. Those of you still wanting to join TWD: the group is opened to new members till January 1st, in honor of the 1 year anniversary. If you would like to join TWD, check out the website before then!!

woensdag 10 december 2008

Thanks guys (or should I say girls...)

Thank you so much for your kind remarks!! By now I'm feeling much better: no longer suffering from my cold and the flu. Still a little bit tired, but one more good night of sleep should do the trick!

However there will be no CEiMB for me this week due to lack of time.... Today I had to rush to get to puppy course on time (with my brothers doggy): so I ate something I warmed up in the microwave. Tomorrow I'll be celebrating Sinterklaas with my former co-workers in a restaurant where we will also enjoy a nice buffet. And Friday it's off to Germany with me!!

My friend, a former co-worker from the Sequoia Lodge Hotel at Disneyland Paris turned 30 last Monday and will be celebrating this entire weekend and I have been asked to join here. I'm sooo looking forward to it!!! I love to fly, so I chose to drive to Cologne since that's only a two hour-drive and fly from there to my destination in the South of Germany.

dinsdag 9 december 2008

dinsdag 2 december 2008

TWD has to wait....

Sorry folks, no TWD here today. I'm dealing with a nice case of fatigue combined with a flue and a cold. So this is my schedule at the moment: get up, shower, drive to work, work, drive home, eat, sleep...... and the same the next day.

I'm way too tired to be baking, but also afraid to contaminate my colleagues with my germs so no baking the last couple of days.

So: sorry Clara and Kristin, I haven't mailed your packages yet.... I also haven't mailed MacDuffs package yet, because I don't have your address... So MacDuff, if you're reading this: please email me your address!!